Reiki Level 1 - 1 day Practitioner Certification Group ~ April 19th, 2025, 11a-3pm
Reiki Level 2 - 1 day Practitioner Certification Group ~ January 18th, 2025, 11-3pm
Master Reiki Certification ~ February 15th, 2025, 11a-3p
Reiki Level 1 & 2 - 1 day Practitioner Certification Training ~ March 15th, 2025, 10a-4p
Payment Serves as registration.
**Virtual, Self-Study, & Private Training Available upon Request. **
Reiki Certification & Additional Class Offerings
Energy Healing Level 1 (Reiki I)
The Benefits of Energy Healing
What are they?
Why practice Energy Healing?
The History of Energy Healing?
Usui Reiki
Light Body Reiki
Self-Healing Techniques
Surrogate Training
Hand Placements
Touch or Touchless You choose
Energy Centers of the body introduction
What is a Chakra?
Where are they?
and more...
Energy Healing Level 2 (Reiki 2)
The Symbols
How & when to use symbols
Hand Placements
In person Practice
Distance Healing
How to practice on self & others
Setting intentions
Why are they important?
How to choose & set intentions in practice
Energy Centers of the body & exploration
and more...
Ongoing Energy Healing Teacher Training
Energy Healing Level 3 (Reiki Master)
- You want to share your knowledge?
When & Where?
To charge or not to charge?
- Hands on training with Level 1-3 students
- How to choose lesson plan
Writing the plan
Using technology
- and more...
- Energy Healing Hands on Practice
- Table or chair?
- Distance or in-person
Surrogate or no surrogate
- Hands on and Hands off instruction
- How to attune others
Is there a right or wrong way?
- Spirit communication basics
- Attunement
- and more...
Learn the Art of Healing with Crystals​
What are Crystals & How Do They Work?
How to build a personal relationship with your Crystals & Why?
Why did you choose it, or did it choose you?
What is its purpose in your life?
How to care for your Crystals
Gridding your home
Gridding with intention & purpose
and more...
Ease of Healing the 7 Main Chakra's​
What are the main chakras?
Where are they?
Why heal them?
What is their purpose?
How long does it take to re-balance energy centers?
Develop a Personalized healing plan
Now what?
How to keep them aligned
Foods that heal/Foods that harm
Essential Oils for each Chakra
Maintaining alignment
and more...