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Pillars measure: 2.5 inches wide by 2.27 inches tall.


Known as the Healers Stone in many circles becasue of its ability to keep others energy's off the practitioner while working with others. 


Fuchsite is a stone full of love and compassionate energy that is here to rejuvenate one's emotional body. This stone will take the “weight” off of your shoulders each day to provide nourishing vibrations for one’s body, heart and soul. Fuchsite’s power pushes one into a very relaxed state that is perfect for someone looking to engage in deep meditation sessions.

In addition to calming your emotional body, this stone will also provide mental clarity to help one connect with their inner self. By taking a deep look in the mirror, one will learn what they need to let go of as well as what it is they need to bring in. By allowing positive energy to flow through your body, you will significantly help yourself along the way. We recommend carrying a piece daily so it can be a constant reminder and spark of motivation to help you find whatever you may need in this world.

Fuchsite (Green Musovite) Pillar

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